About this initiative
We're a field-building and community-building initiative for the effective environmentalism movement, run by volunteers.
Our vision
We want to help minimise the impacts of environmental change. Since the environmental movement has limited resources, we want environmental protection to be as resource-effective as possible, in a way that benefits people and animals. We envision an environmental movement that uses evidence and careful analysis, and is actively driving forward work on its top priorities.
Our mission
Our mission is to build a community and a field of work where people and organisations think critically about the most effective and best ways to tackle environmental challenges, and are acting on their findings.
This is our focus because the best solutions are much more effective than others. In a world with limited resources, working on the best solutions means fewer greenhouse gas emissions, less air pollution, and better livelihoods to those most affected by environmental collapse or unfair policies.
We want to build the effective environmentalism community as a place where people can learn about impactful interventions, discuss which ways of helping the environment are most effective, and get inspired to take action.
Our vision and mission are inspired by those of the Centre for Effective Altruism.
The Effective Environmentalism initiative is a volunteer-run field-building organisation. We primarily work from the Netherlands, but as of now are not yet registered as a foundation or charity. We hope to scale up our efforts and become a full-time staffed organisation. (If you can help us finance this, or help with the legal process of registering as a foundation and charity, please get in touch.)